Monday, December 18, 2017

Holy Crap...An Update on Life

Wow, my life has really turned absolutely nuts. I have so much to do and I simply have no idea how I am going to get anything done. I guess I should start my update with the events from last week...

Last week, the day after my exam to be exact, I came down with the monster cold from hell. Yep, I was experiencing some extreme congestion. It knocked my ass down for about three days. Then, on Friday and Saturday, I had to muster myself up in order to scrub and organize the whole house. Plus I set up the Christmas tree, decorated the house, and did some Christmas shopping. Why? Because on Sunday my side of the family came over for Christmas. It went rather well. Both of my ass-biscuit brothers showed up as well as my non-ass-biscuit brother. They all brought along their significant others and progeny. My Mom and Dad came over too. So with my kids and everyone else, I had a total of 21 people in my house for a Christmas party. Whew! I managed to pull off Christmas without too much of a problem - try it. My one ass-biscuit brother and his annoying wife never did talk to my other brother or his girlfriend. His girlfriend is Mexican and we are white. My non-ass-biscuit brother and his girlfriend had a baby together back in September. I was quite pissed that ass-biscuit and his wife ignored not only my brother and his girlfriend, but didn't even say anything or look at their new nephew! Jeez...sometimes they piss me off beyond belief.
Okay, so that was what happened through Sunday. Monday was fairly easy. Just some basic clean-up from the Christmas party and Darling and I went to finish up our Christmas shopping. We managed to buy all the presents we needed except for two small things. Not bad. Monday was actually kinda nice. Darling left for work on Monday night. He had to drive down to Indianapolis. When he got down there at about one in the morning he went into the trucking terminal. He realized he forgot his gloves in the semi and went to go get them. Darling went down the steps at the Indianapolis terminal, slipped on the ice, fell and broke his weight-bearing bone in his right leg. It broke just above the ankle and when he fell he twisted his ankle so badly that all of the tendons and muscles have been stretched and pulled. So on Tuesday morning at about 5:30 he finally called me to tell me what happened. By this time he had been to see a doctor and the doctor told him that he had to stay in Indianapolis until an orthopaedic surgeon could see him at 2pm. My Dad and I ended up driving down to Indianapolis from Michigan in order to go fetch him after his doctor's appointment there. It is almost a four hour drive from where I live to Indianapolis. Needless to say we didn't get back home until almost 9pm. We missed Myah's choir concert at her school. My Mom was staying with the kids so she took Myah to her concert and watched it with Princess and The Boy.
So now I am playing nurse for my husband. I had always imagined playing nurse in a much different manner...something in a skimpy white outfit, nasty hooker heels, and a cute little cap on my head. But no, instead I am a pharmaceutical narcotic dispenser and I pour Coke into a glass for him to drink. I run his bathwater and listen to his moaning while he tries to sleep. I really don't mind too much, but he is already getting cranky and bored. Just think...Darling will be at home for probably the next two months. I think I am going to be a little batty by the time he goes back to work. Hell, I'll probably do the Happy Dance all over the house by then. I do feel badly for him. I can tell he is in quite a bit of pain.
I am also supposed to finish an article sometime in the next two weeks, fill out an application for a grant for summer research, start some new research, and read about three 300-400 page books. I don't know how I am going to get it all done. Here I thought I would have some time to relax and unwind during the Christmas break! Oh well. Not too much to be done about it and whining is not going to help, right?! Alright, I gotta go be Nurse Nita again...