
When is the best time to plant?
The best time to plant is in the evening on a cloudy, cool day.  This allows plant to get used to their new home overnight before having to get the heat of a full day's sun. Make sure the soil you are planting in is moist.  Also remember to give your newly planted plants a big drink of water after you plant them! - link

When is the best time to water?
The best time to water is in the early morning.  This gives your

plants a nice, cool drink of water before the heat and sun of the day.  If early morning is not possible, water in the early evening. Make sure to water early in the evening so that the leaves of your plants are dry before nighttime. This will prevent any fungal diseases on your plants.

How much should I water?
 A good rule of thumb is to water an inch of water.  You can put your finger in the soil to see how far down you have watered.  It is better to water deeply less often, than shallowly everyday.

How often should I water?
This depends on the weather. If the weather has been hot and dry you will most likely need to water daily.  If there have been some good heavy rainstorms you may be able to skip a day or two.  Checking on your plants in the early morning is the best time - read more  If the plants are wilting in the early morning they need water, but if the soil feel moist when you put your finger in the soil and the plants are not wilting they are okay for that day.  It is normal for plants to wilt a little in the afternoon and evening since they have spent all day in the sun and heat.